Overcoming the glassy-eyed nod: An application of process-oriented guided inquiry learning techniques in information technology

Trina Myers, Richard Monypenny, Jarrod Trevathan


Two significant problems faced by universities are to ensure sustainability
and to produce quality graduates. Four aspects of these problems are to
improve engagement, to foster interaction, develop required skills and to
effectively gauge the level of attention and comprehension within lectures
and large tutorials. Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is a
technique used to teach in large lectures and tutorials. It invokes interaction,
team building, learning and interest through highly structured group work.
This paper describes a new approach to teaching Information Technology
(IT) using POGIL. Two IT subjects were chosen for the implementation of the
POGIL technique to explore its potential to resolve the aforementioned
issues. Preliminary evidence from perspectives of the institution, students and
lecturer suggest that POGIL is better able to maximise engagement, foster
interaction and effectively gauge the level of attention and comprehension in
teaching process-oriented IT concepts than a traditional didactic approach.


POGIL, research-based education, active learning, information technology.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/jld.v5i1.97
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