IEngage: Using Technology to Enhance Students’ Engagement in a Large Classroom

Sukanlaya Sawang, Peter O'Connor, Muhammad Ali


This paper aims to answer how we can increase students’ engagement in a large class. We hypothesised that the use of KeyPad, an interactive student response system, can lead to enhanced student engagement in a large classroom.  We tested a model of classroom technology integration enhancing the students’ engagement among first year undergraduate students (n=131).  This study provides evidence of significant effect of positive attitude and social pressure on the intent to use KeyPads. In turn, the intent to use KeyPads leads to the actual use of KeyPads which is directly associated with the level of student engagement. In addition, we find evidence for the relationship between extraversion and level of engagement such that compared to extrovert students, introvert students felt more engaged.


student engagement; large class; technology adoption; KeyPads; attitude; social pressure

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