Reinforcing constructivist teaching in advanced level Biochemistry through the introduction of case-based learning activities

Perry J. Hartfield


In the process of curriculum development, I have integrated a constructivist teaching strategy into an advanced-level biochemistry teaching unit. Specifically, I have introduced case-based learning activities into the teaching/learning framework. These case-based learning activities were designed to develop problem-solving skills, consolidate student learning and understanding, and establish an alignment between major theoretical and conceptual learning material, practical experiences and the assessment items. The evidence presented from student surveys and interviews shows that students perceive that this approach enables the development of problem-solving skills and confirms that students identify a high degree of alignment between teaching and learning activities and assessment. Furthermore, the findings strongly establish that a case-based learning paradigm can facilitate constructive alignment of teaching and learning activities with assessment, and that this approach supports and bolsters student satisfaction and leads to improved student academic performance.


case-based learning, active learning, constructive alignment, curriculum development.

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