Designing ready to deliver units of learning: A case study

Marcello Maina


The field of instructional design and technology has always evolved and grown, translating new knowledge in the learning and cognitive sciences into instructional principles, increasingly incorporating technological innovations into the design of educational solutions, and adapting to social changes (Reiser, 2007; Tennyson, 2005). The ‘learning object’ paradigm, which mainly emerged out of economical and technological concerns, was first developed within the field of software engineering, but is significantly gaining the attention of researchers and practitioners in the field of education at large. Even though this perspective is affecting instructional design practices, still little is known about well-structured methods enabling the support of instructional design processes oriented in this way.

We present here a case study, which is part of ongoing doctoral research, and aims to provide a robust instructional design method for the production of learning designs compliant with the IMS LD2 specification. Our work focuses on the adaptation of an instructional engineering method known as MISA3.


IMS LD; learning object design; MISA

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