A review of multi-sensory technologies in a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) classroom

Johann Taljaard


This article reviews the literature on multi-sensory technology and, in particular, looks at answering the question: ‘What multi-sensory technologies are available to use in a science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) classroom, and do they affect student engagement and learning outcomes?’ Here engagement is defined as motivation, interest, curiosity and attitude. This review identifies tools and software from a burgeoning, yet limited literature. To answer this question, this review will include the following: defining learning styles; background on multi-sensory instruction; multi-sensory education today; STEM and the rise of STEAM; a look at some multi-sensory tools; and the benefits of using multi-sensory technologies in education. 


multisensory (multi-sensory, multi sensory) instruction; learning motivation; learning outcome; multimedia; information technology; multi-touch tablets; visual stimuli; somatosensory stimuli; Virtual Reality; Immersive VR;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/jld.v9i2.274
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