Creating practice ready, well and professional law graduates

Anneka Ferguson


There is a growing movement to create successful, ethical, well-rounded and practice ready legal professionals both in terms of their content knowledge and their mental well-being. As a Legal Teaching “profession” it is incumbent on us to answer this call in a responsive, creative, integrated, well researched and evaluated manner. This paper provides a suggested and evaluated framework for how this call can be met without resorting to “add on” subjects (no matter how well-intentioned), that stand outside the “normal” law school curriculum. Instead of partitioning well-being and professionalism into separate silos, it is suggested that all efforts must be made to integrate the seeds, thoughts, and actions of ethics, well-being, and professionalism into as many aspects of each of our programs as possible.


Legal education, professionalism, simulation, wellness in law, wellbeing in law, integration of professionalism, Giving Voice to Values, Practice Management, online, transactional learning, SIMPLE

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