Professional Development: Designing for the Cognitive and Affective Domains

Iain Doherty


This paper critically reflects on the pedagogical approach underlying a professional development course in eLearning. The aim of the course was to teach faculty based eLearning officers the necessary practical and theoretical skills to fulfil their roles in supporting Faculties with eLearning initiatives. Whilst the course was successful – judged in terms of the pass rate and course evaluations – the underlying pedagogy could be improved by taking the affective domain into consideration. In particular there were issues with the perceived relevance of the course, participants’ confidence in their abilities and the perceived value of the certificate course in the context of participants’ careers. The proposed revisions are presented and critically discussed in order to present a revised learning design and to raise the issue of the place of the affective domain in continuing professional development.


Learning; design; educational; staff; continuing; professional; development; cognitive; affective; domain

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