Towards Online Delivery of Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Techniques in Information Technology Courses

Jarrod Trevathan, Trina Myers


Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is a technique used to teach in large lectures and tutorials.  It invokes interaction, team building, learning and interest through highly structured group work.  Currently, POGIL has only been implemented in traditional classroom settings where all participants are physically present.  However, advances in online learning technologies have prompted increases in the popularity of flexible delivery and distance education courses.  Therefore, teaching and learning theories need to reflect the changing student demographic.  This paper describes a preliminary approach for adapting POGIL techniques for use in tertiary courses delivered online.  We discuss the current technologies that can be used online and contrast their suitability for POGIL.  A framework is presented for using Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, social networking) as a starting point for POGIL.  We describe how these technologies were applied in an online third year Information Technology subject.


POGIL, online delivery, student interaction, Web 2.0, Facebook

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