An investigation of computer generated knowledge retention activities in computer-based training with adult learners

Doug Reid, D. Michele Jacobsen, Larry Katz


The goal of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of training and theeffectiveness of different types of knowledge retention activities delivered bycomputer-based training programs. This study focused on a computer-based learningsystem called the Profound Learning Delivery System (PLS). PLS is an application designed to improve the content knowledge retention of adult learners who arecompleting computer-based training.

This study used a pretest-posttest experimental design to compare adult learners’knowledge of Microsoft Outlook ("Outlook," 1997) before and after a computer-basedtraining session. Participants were trained using two different computer-basedinstructional programs; a commercially available software program matched forcomparison purposes and PLS. This comparison involved three different formats forpost-instruction retention activities that were; no review activities, user generatedreview activities, and program generated retention activities. Results indicate, therewas a significant difference between the groups 60 days after training. This resultdemonstrated that PLS has potential worth exploring.


Knowledge retention, adult learning, computer-based training

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